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CHEMOSAT Clinical Outcomes

For HCPs / Clinical Outcomes

The FOCUS study was the largest LDT (liver directed therapy) clinical trial undertaken in metastatic uveal melanoma.1-3

95 Patients were enrolled into the CHEMOSAT arm; 91 patients received treatment.4,a

Patients could have limited extrahepatic disease in the bone, subcutaneous sites, lymph nodes, or lung if the life-threatening component of the UM was in the liver. Any extrahepatic disease needed to be amenable to resection or radiation, with a defined treatment plan.4

Treatment schedule

Patients received a dose of 3 mg/kg of melphalan using CHEMOSAT delivery system every 6 to 8 weeks for up to 6 treatment cycles.4,a

  • Patients received a median of 4 treatment cycles (range, 1-6 cycles)
  • The maximum of 6 treatment cycles was received by 37% of the 91 treated patients

a Based on ideal body weight (IBW; maximum total dose, 220 mg)

More Than 1/3 of Patients Responded to Treatment With CHEMOSAT4

ORR reported in FOCUS was 36.3% (n = 33)4

  • Complete response (CR): 7.7% (n = 7)4
  • Partial response (PR): 28.6% (n = 26)4

Median DoR in responders (n = 33) was 14 months4,c

Responders in FOCUS trial (n=33)4

CR: Disappearance of all target lesionsa
PR: ≥30% Decrease in the sum of the long axis diameter of tumor target lesionsb

aAny pathological lymph nodes (target or nontarget) must be <10 mm in short-axis diameter. For nontarget lesions, disappearance of all nontarget lesions and normalization of tumor marker level.5
bUsing the baseline sum as reference.5
cCalculated using Kaplan-Meier method.4

Safety: Demonstrated
Safety & Tolerability4

Most common adverse events (>30% of patients)

• Nausea  • Fatigue  • Musculoskeletal pain
• Abdominal pain  • Vomiting

All adverse events observed at a frequency of >10% in patients

All grades, % Grades 3 or 4, %
Gastrointestinal disorders
Nausea 57 0
Abdominal paina 39 1
Vomitinga 35 0
Diarrheaa 17 1
General disorders
Fatiguea 65 0
Pyrexiaa 16 0
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Musculoskeletal paina 46 1
Groin pain 11 0
Respiratory disorders
Dyspneaa 23 2
Cougha 15 0
Nervous system disorders
Headachea 19 0
Lethargy 12 0
Dizzinessa 11 0
Injury and procedural complications
Contusion 17 0
Metabolism and nutrition disorders
Decreased appetite 16 0
Vascular disorders
Hemorrhagea 15 1
Hypotensiona 13 3

aRepresents a composite of multiple, related preferred terms.

Serious adverse events occurred in 45% of patients who received treatment4

Serious adverse events occurring in ≥2% of patients were thrombocytopenia (10%), neutropenia (8%), febrile neutropenia (7%), platelet count decreased (6%), leukopenia (4.2%), cardiac arrest (3.2%), neutrophil count decreased (2.1%), hypoxia (2.1%), pleural effusion (2.1%), pulmonary edema (2.1%), and deep vein thrombosis (2.1%).4

Fatal adverse events occurred in 3 patients (3.2%) ; these included cardiac arrest, acute hepatic failure, and bacterial peritonitis and were deemed not to be related to treatment.4,6

Treatment was permanently discontinued because of adverse events in 18% of patients, with neutropenia being the most common reason (3.2%).4

Combination Therapy

Initial data from the Phase 1B CHOPIN study has shown an ORR of 85.7% using a combination of CHEMOSAT and ipilimumab plus nivolumab.

Prospective & Retrospective Studies

Treatment naïve as well as previously treated patients have shown efficacy across various endpoints.

N Treatment Line Patient Tumor Characteristics ORR OS PFS Safety Reference
Prospective Study 35 60%
treatment naïve
No. of metastases ≥10 (57%) 72% 1 year OS - 77%
2 year OS - 43%
mOS 19.1 months
Majority developed grade 3/4 haematologic events
14 grade 3 non-haematologic events
Meijer, T., et al 20207
Retrospective Studies 81 54%
treatment naïve
>10 lesions/>50% volume replacement (51.9%) 60.5% mOS 14.9 months 8.4
Grade 3/4 events were observed in 27.7% of patients Modi, S., et al 20228
51 43.1%
treatment naïve
Oligometastatic disease ≤ 3 deposits (23.5%)
>10 lesions/>50% volume replacement (31.4%)
47% mOS 15.3 months 8.1
37.5% grade 3-4 non-haematologic events Karydis, I., et al 20171
19 31%
treatment naïve
Not reported 53% mOS 16.7 months 14.03
2 cases grade 3a (coronary ischaemia)
1 case grade 3b (transfemoral bleeding with following surgery)
Bruning, R., et al 20202
16 25%
treatment naïve
Hepatic lesions ranged from 3 to >20
Median tumour load of 22.5% (interquartile range 10 to 25%)
60% mOS 27.4 months 11.1
Grade 3/4 events were observed in 43.8% of patients Artzner, C., et al 20199

ORR – overall response rate; PFS – progression free survival; mPFS – median progression free survival, OS – overall survival; mOS – median overall survival.

Summary of CHEMOSAT Publications

CHEMOSAT in other tumour types

To date, over 250 patients with various types of malignancies, such as ICC & CRC have received CHEMOSAT in centres across Europe.

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